The Zero Waste Design Competition is an opportunity to showcase creativity by designing a piece of furniture made out of the production offcuts of the table Awlin. 
Awlin is a versatile wooden table designed by Atelier Gapont, which represents the concepts of flexibility and reusability by offering six different variants within one table.
To reduce production waste to zero and enhance the principle of circularity, this competition challenges participants to represent their unique style in a piece (or pieces) of furniture accompanying the table Awlin (e.g., chair, lamp, coat hanger, bookcase, stool, etc).
The competition is directed at any professional, student, apprentice or trainee interested in the topics of circularity and sustainability.

When submitting your proposal to the Zero Waste Design Competition, remember that it will be evaluated in multiple dimensions.
The submission package will consist of a 1:5 scale prototype and a single PDF file limited to 20MB, including the following information:
-  Title and brief description of the project, specifying the intention of your design and how it exemplifies a circularity and sustainable vision
-  Photographs of the prototype (minimum of 4)
-  Optional: drawings and/or sketches
Note: a laser cut file with the pieces will be provided; an assembly kit with the pieces will be available for 10CHF; prototypes have to be labelled (only title and participant number) and will be sent to Atelier Gapont
Although using the total number of pieces (12) is not mandatory, using at least three pieces is required.
The project will be evaluated according to the following criteria:
- Design — esthetics and innovation.
- Production — ease of manufacturing, cost and maintenance.
- Circularity — the intended objective of achieving durable, reusable,
repairable and recyclable products that generate zero waste to support a circular economy.
The judging panel of the Zero Waste Design Competition will consist of Luis Hilti (expert design), Edgar Bargetze (expert production) and Clarissa Rhomberg (expert circularity), which will assess entries based on the esthetics and innovation of their design, their feasibility and ease of production and the sustainable and circular approach of the proposal.
In addition to production and networking opportunities, the Zero Waste Design Competition winners will receive publicity by showcasing their projects in an exhibition in Schaan.
Winners will be announced on-site at the event, which will take place at Atelier Gapont, Schaan. They will also receive cash prizes ranging from CHF 250 to CHF 1000 and an Awlin table.

- 1st prize: 1.000CHF 
- 2nd prize: 500 CHF 
- 3rd prize: 250 CHF
Register for the Zero Waste Design Competition by following the next steps:
-  Send an email to juliadelrio@ateliergapont.li including the following information: contact email | institution (if any)
-  You will then receive a participant number and a link that will direct you to a Google Drive folder where you can find an SVG file with the necessary pieces to laser cut.
-  Send your submission by email before July 8th to juliadelrio@ateliergapont.li, including the following information in the email subject: Zero Waste submission/participant number
-  Please label your files and prototype, including your participation number.
Note: The participation process will be anonymous
No fees are required for the application process.
Please specify in the registration email if you require the assembly kit with the pieces offered for 10CHF.
-  Competition announcement: April 5th, 2024
-  Registration and submission deadline: July 8th, 2024
-  Winners announcement: to be announced 
Do I need to be associated with a design discipline to qualify?
- No, anyone interested in the topics of sustainability, circularity and design is welcome to participate
Is there any age requirement to apply?
- No
Are there any fees associated with the registration process?
- No, registration and participation is free
In which language should the submission be?
- English or German
Can I submit more than one proposal?
- Yes, there is no limit to proposals
Do I need to use the 12 pieces?
- No, but you should use at least 3
Can I add extra pieces?
- No, only pieces coming from the offcuts should be used. Extra pieces can only be added as part of the assembly system (screws, etc)
Can the pieces be cut?
- Yes, you can cut the pieces, adjusting them to your desired shape (CNC)
What materials should I send?
- To our office: A 1:5 scale prototype (add the participant number on the model); By e-mail: PDF report
Will the projects be returned?
- Yes, they can be picked up at Atelier Gapont after the winners have been announced
Do we have the rights to our design?
- Yes, you own the copyright of your design. In case of you agreeing to produce it, revenue would be split 50%-50%
How will my images be used?
- By participating, you agree to give us the right to use your images which can be showcased on Atelier Gapont’s website and socialmedia
Gapont 2b, 9495 Triesen, Liechtenstein
ZERO WASTE DESIGN COMPETITION is a collaboration of:
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